Let’s Get Social is a workshop to provide entrepreneurs, businesses and organizations with social media management skills. The interactive experience will equip participants with effective social media strategies and tools to engage and influence their target audiences.
Join us on Tuesday, January 16 at 8:30am at the Meliã Nassau Beach Resort, The Bahamas.
Valdez K. Russell serves as the principal for VKR Insights, a communications and brand reputation management agency. Throughout his professional career, Valdez has been instrumental in developing strategies and facilitating presentations to help individuals and organizations tell their stories, build relationships and influence change.
In addition to VKR Insights, event sponsors include Aliv, FHR Communications, the Bahamas Financial Services Board, the Grand Bahama Port Authority, and the Movi Group.
Let’s Get Social will bring together some of the most influential individuals contributing to a modern Bahamas. The event is for individuals who manage public relations, marketing and communications for entrepreneurs, businesses and organizations in The Bahamas. There will also be teaching and learning opportunities for individuals and businesses who want to understand and appreciate the impact and influence of social media on business development in a local and global environment.
Dynamic panellists and presenters will engage participants in conversations around how to effectively manage their business’ social media presence.
The Grand Bahama Port Authority Limited is the presenting sponsor of the Entrepreneur Empowerment Showcase. This panel will introduce participants to available opportunities that can provide access to resources for growing their businesses.
Other prominent business influencers will ignite ideas to empower participants to achieve success through the power of social media.
Throughout the day, presenters will share strategies to build, manage and protect your brand, outline ways to understand your audience, introduce concepts to develop compelling content, and discuss ways to tell your story. Bahamian and international thought leaders include: